Sunday, May 3, 2015

The joy of our heart causes a joyful proclamation. This is when the heart shines brightly with the love of light. It takes a believer patience and perseverance to achieve this state. A Christian yearns for this state of bliss. With fervent hope there must be a goal that has to be set to arrive at this place in one's journey of life. Much of this is through the view of the world as a support system for the common good of all mankind. Being good, just and holy are exemplary of the happiness a person is engulfed by. He has a passion for social justice and champions the rights of the underprivileged. A new wind of Pentecost greets such a reformer. He is not necessarily an evangelist-in-chief but a humble devotee to the faith of Christ.

Joseph Conrad (1857 – 1924) a Polish born British novelist observed, “I remember my youth and the feeling that it will never come back any more – the feeling that I could last forever, outlast the sea, the earth and all men; the deceitful feeling that lures us on to joys, to perils, to love, to vain effort – to death, the triumphant conviction of strength, the heart of life in the handful of dust, the glow in the heart ….” This was author Conrad capturing brilliantly the life of “Youth” (1902), with his reflections and what such life meant to him. This quote explores a young heart giving vent to deep feelings.

Joy Changes

At times there are temporal joys. Folks may experience hills of unexpected peaks mixed with undulating valleys. It may take patience to weave the illusive feeling of a heart of joy. This is a flame of hope that most try to embrace and sustain. To accomplish this, calls for an encounter with the truth of beauty itself. There is nothing more trustworthy in attempting to achieve these ends by reading and studying the Word of Truth. Through it, the life of the Good Shepherd will come alive in its brilliance. This mission you will need to pursue faithfully. An effort that calls for being a witness for the Christian faith. An Argentinian poet and novelist Ricardo Guiraldes (1886 – 1927) remarked, “If you are really a gaucho, you can't change, because wherever you go, you'll go with your soul leading the way.” Much of what a person becomes is based on what he has been throughout his entire life. That is why as joy changes there are underlying aspects remaining that will tell the true nature of personal joy.

Purity of Heart

Exemplary joy is best expressed by having a pure heart. Concentrating on the fruits of patience brings about change in the deepest recesses of our being. Undoubtedly, this calls for courage in a believer's heart. The great Christian hope of peacefulness awaits a seeker of this precious gift. With the goal of securing the highest good such an individual walks confidently while being guided by his conscience. A person must not be afraid of goodness or view it like some in the world - as some sort of weakness. A profitable outcome touches the fullest truth expressed by the Spirit of Truth. In accomplishing this task every Christian must view himself as an athlete for Christ. He must be prepared to run many marathons during the course of his lifetime. His faith rests with encountering Jesus Christ, for he will be rubbing shoulders and touching the flesh of Christ through the poor and hungry.

St. Matthew 12:24 warned, “O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” Obviously, our mouths relate the things that are in the recesses of our hearts. A pure heart will speak about unbelievable joyfulness of living a Christian life.

Angels of Light

Those with a joyful heart are undoubtedly lights in the world, providing that their heart is in the right place. A person must never lose hope concerning this truth. In unison he must think about justice and hopefulness and everything will fall into place. This is the foundation of abundant goodness that we seek and is best expressed in creation that we enjoy and profess to others. Christians do so mainly by adoring the beauty of God Himself. In all divinity He is the Truth-Incarnate that is glorified. Reading and contemplating the seeds of the Gospel are eye-openers to a believer. Through prayer and meditation and by the ticktock of consciences, seeds of hopefulness are spread around the world even when it is not windy. This can only be by the flame of faith that is the joy of our heart.

Robert Burns (1759 – 1796) a Scottish poet, songwriter and one of the world's most popular poets wrote:

The golden Hours, on angel wings
Flew o'er me and my Dearie;
Was my sweet 'Highland Mary'

A true angel of light represents the best in life. 'Highland Mary' can well be likened to Holy Mary Mother of God with her faith that is the joy of our heart.

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